Boulder 1 is the most obvious rock that you see from Topanga Cyn Blvd.
This is where most of the crowd gathers on Tues. and Thurs. nights.

Click on the thumbnails below for a larger
uncropped pic and more info

Stoney Point classic listed on "Ultimate Tick List".
Rock & Ice Magazine named our little classic V0 "Three Pigs" in it's "500 Routes To Go At -
Ultimate Tick List" in issue #100. Among the other classics listed where
Yosemite's "Midnight Lightning"(V8) and "Gunsmoke Traverse"(V3) in Joshua Tree.

"Boot Flake"

"Vaino's Dyno"


"Boulder 1

"Three Pigs"

"Yabo Mantel"

More Yabo

Even more Yabo

"Pump Traverse"

"Leaping Lizards"

"After Shock"

"Kids Stuff"

"Boot Flake"

"Three Pigs"

"Say Goodnight"

"Boulder 1

(home) (photo gallery) (message board) (rock links) (letters) (ratings) (site map) (where?)

(boulder 1) (pile ups) (turlock) (misc. areas) (B1 boulder)